FINISH THE JOB - If Each Person in U.S. Donates $1.00 . . .
we all can help Finish the Job of rebuilding Mississippi after Katrina.
Click the link and PLEASE WATCH the video.
Recovery money from national relief agencies for Katrina survivors is running low. Two years after the worst natural disaster in this nation's recorded history, there are still tens of thousands of Mississippi families living in cramped travel trailers or unsafe storm-damaged homes.
Long term recovery organizations are coming together to Finish the Job. We are putting priority on helping those with the greatest needs—low to moderate income elderly and disabled people and single parent families. Despite our best efforts, there is a backlog! Thousands of people are still waiting for help.
PLEASE check out the following videos, they will provide great insight into what Katrina was and what she did :
Biloxi, MS - video of surge coming in as documented by guy in parking garage of Beau Rivage
Biloxi, MS- riding out Katrina in a house
Vaccarella Family in Mereaux, LA - incredible survival video as flood waters rise